中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京市 100083
College of Information and Electrical Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China
With the promotion of the “carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality” policy as well as the construction of new power systems, renewable sources and novel loads, such as distributed photovoltaics and electric vehicles have developed rapidly and their proportion has reached new heights. Due to the power fluctuation and randomness, these sources and loads bring new requirements and challenges to the safe operation and flexibility of distribution networks. Aiming at the diversity and difference of flexible distribution network construction, this paper analyzes the demand for flexible interconnection at different levels of distribution network, and introduces its core role and research progress in four levels: realizing efficient integration of source and load in low-voltage station area, realizing power transfer and support between interconnected low-voltage station areas, realizing the improvement of power supply capacity and flexibility in medium-voltage line, and realizing source-load “large spatio-temporal” matching and the interconnection and mutual power support between power grids. Focusing on the structure of AC/DC hybrid distribution system, optimal planning, operation control and fault restoration, the future technical development direction of AC/DC hybrid interconnected distribution system is prospected.
[1] | 唐巍,张起铭,张璐,等.新型配电系统多层级交直流互联理念、关键技术与发展方向[J].电力系统自动化,2023,47(6):2-17. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20221031014. TANG Wei, ZHANG Qiming, ZHANG Lu, et al. Concept, Key Technologies and Development Direction of Multilevel AC/DC Interconnection in New Distribution System[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems, 2023, 47(6):2-17. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20221031014. |