1.School of Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China;2.Institute of Economics and Technology of State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110015, China;3.State Grid East Mongolia Electric Power Supply Co., Ltd., Hohhot 010010, China
In the context of operation flexibility improvement of thermal power plants in northern China, the traditional power balance method—determining power generation by heat is no longer applicable, so a coupling balance analysis model of provincial integrated electricity-heat energy system with multi-type flexible resources is constructed. The model first aggregates similar equipment to simplify the complexity of the problem, and considers system safety and stability constraints such as system backup and minimum operation mode through heuristic unit commitment with daily cycle. Then, the balance analysis without flexibility resources is carried out at the hourly granularity to determine the power surplus, and the electricity-heat flexibility resources are called in an orderly manner according to the surplus power to realize the electricity-heat coupling balance calculation. Finally, by rolling calculation day by day, the balance result on the long-term scale is obtained. Based on the actual power grid data, the calculation example verifies the validity of the model, and the model is used to analyze the effect of flexibility resource allocation on the improvement of renewable energy accommodation.
This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51607021).
[1] | LYU Quan, ZHANG Jiawei, ZHANG Na, et al. Coupling Balance Analysis Model of Provincial Integrated Electricity-Heat Energy System with Multi-type Flexibility Resources[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems,2022,46(16):95-102. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20211009002 |