
ISSN 1000-1026

CN 32-1180/TP

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Construction Method for User Electricity-Carbon Profile Based on Improved Self-organizing Map

1.China Southern Power Grid Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510000, China;2.Shenzhen Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China;3.Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School, Shenzhen 518055, China


In recent years, the proposal of goals of “carbon emission peak and carbon neutrality” has promoted the low-carbon transformation in the field of electric energy. In the new power system, in addition to the power generation side, the user side should also bear part of the responsibility for carbon emissions. To fill the research gap on the allocation of carbon emission responsibilities on the user side and carbon features of existing user profiles, this paper proposes a construction method for the user electricity-carbon profile based on the improved self-organizing map (ISOM). Firstly, a power flow model based on load data is built and the carbon emission flow is analyzed. Secondly, based on the carbon emission flow analysis, the load dynamic dispatching model combining carbon emission reduction potential is constructed, and the multi-dimensional electricity-carbon features are obtained. Then, based on the sparrow search algorithm (SSA) and the self-organizing map (SOM) of triangular-topological neighborhoods, the multi-dimensional electricity-carbon features are clustered to form the user electricity-carbon profile. Finally, actual load data of power grid users are tested in different dispatching scenarios and compared with existing methods. The experimental results verify the effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method.



This work is supported by China Southern Power Grid Company Limited (No. SZKJXM20220036/09000020220301030901283).

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[1]ZHOU Baorong, LI Jiangnan, LYU Yifan, et al. Construction Method for User Electricity-Carbon Profile Based on Improved Self-organizing Map[J]. Automation of Electric Power Systems,2024,48(20):182-190. DOI:10.7500/AEPS20240210001
  • Received:February 10,2024
  • Revised:May 29,2024
  • Adopted:June 09,2024
  • Online: October 21,2024
  • Published: